Re:Searcher-BoyFreind Stalking Camera’s

Stalking is hard to prove.
Please read info on site regarding stalking.
Report everything to the police. And most importantly the camera’s, e-mail, text messages, don’t be afraid to call if your afraid and report everything that strikes you as different or unusual.
Read the safety plan that is posted on this site.
Have an alternative route to escape your home.

Wisconsin Black Infant Death Rate Is Worst In The Unites States

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Follow Up of God Bless The Child
STORY BY Guy Boulton

The former dean of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health calls it “a silent tragedy.”
Wisconsin a State that ranks high in the overall health of its population, has the highest rate of infant mortality among African-Americans in the country.
In fact, the African-American infant in Wisconsin is three more times likely to die in his or her first year than a white infant.
And nearly three fourths of the deaths take place in Milwaukee.
The Wisconsin Partnership Program announced last week that it is committing $10 Million over the next five years to fund projects designed to lower infant mortality in the state.
Each year, the number of infants who die within one year of birth exceeds the number of homicides in the city. And in some parts of Milwaukee, an African-American child has less chance of living beyond his or her first birthday than an infant in Albania, Sri Lanka or Thialand.
“It’s a disgraceful situation,” said Phil Ferrell, former dean of the UW medical school and a professor of pediatrics and population health sciences. “And it’s time to do something about it.”
Tina mason Milwaukee gynecologist says:
Infant mortality is considered a “sentinel indicator” of a community’s overall well being and is intertwined with widespread poverty.
To succeed the initiative will have to go beyond ensuring that women receive proper prenatal care, ….”You have to impact what’s happening within the community.”
The initiative will need to look at racism, segregation, unemployment, inadequate housing, education,urban stress, teen pregnancy and even the sense of hopelessness pervasive in many African-American neighborhoods.
What do I think….sounds a lot like Indian Country, where in some area’s unemployment is between 75% and 90%.

Mother of starved infant had faced earlier charges

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
By Crocker Stephenson

Vera Morehouse, who police say allowed her infant son to starve to death, was charged earlier with intentionally running over the child’s father weeks before a case worker left her children with her without providing additional safety services, according to court records and a report released Friday.
Morehouse was charges earlier in April with misdemeanor neglect….one of her children a 6 year old boy was found sleeping on a playground bench near her apartment at about 7 p.m., Morehouse was not home.

…..Milwaukee Child Welfare was notified….the 6th referral the bureau had received….since 2005 and the second that month.
…..It is unclear if, the caseworker was aware Morehouse had been charged March 29 with second-degree recklessly endangering safety.
According to the complaint filed in the case, Morehouse loaded her children into her car looking for their father…..she found him with his girlfriend…..she tried to drop the children off with him…..he refused….she took the children out of the car…..drove over the curb…..children watching…..and hit him…..he landed on the hood smashing the windshield.
Morehouse was pregnant at the time with a son born June 1…..the boy spent most of his life strapped into a car seat, and died of starvation.
…..among the findings is that the caseworker had not tried hard enough to help the family.
“The failure to act is inexcusable”, said Cyrus Behroozi, Children and Families Administrator.
Less than two months after her son’s death on September 20, Morehouse attacked and stabbed babies father’s pregnant girlfriend she was charged with substantial battery while armed……she threatened her and stated she was going to kill her and “stomp the baby out of her”…..the girlfriend ran and got stabbed in the buttocks.
Morehouse was also charged with violating a restraining order filed by the girlfriend two days earlier.

Court Aquits Man Because He Is Not Indian

LA Times
Court acquits man because he isn’t an Indian
An assault conviction is called erroneous because the defendant wasn’t recognized as a member of a tribe.
By Carol J. Williams
February 11, 2009
A Montana man has been acquitted of assault charges by a federal appeals court because he doesn’t meet the definition of an Indian, never having joined the Blackfeet tribe from which his mother descended or accepted federal benefits to which Native Americans are entitled.

Tuesday’s ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals could raise jurisdictional problems for prosecutors across the court’s nine-state Western region, where federal courts are responsible for trying Indians on Indian territory.

Christopher Patrick Cruz, now 21, is the son of a Latino father and a mother with slightly less than half Blackfeet blood. Although he spent a few years as a child on reservation land in Browning, Mont., he never joined the tribe or enrolled in tribal or federal benefit programs.

“This has application for all of what we call in jurisdictional parlance ‘Indian territory,’ ” said R. Henry Branom Jr., the assistant federal defender who represented Cruz before the appeals court and will do so again if the government requests a rehearing.

Bill Mercer, assistant U.S. attorney in Montana, said he would be reviewing the ruling with colleagues in Washington but that he was “disappointed with the 9th Circuit’s decision.”

Cruz, whose federal district court conviction has been deemed erroneous by the appeals court, will remain imprisoned until the government exhausts or forgoes appeals options.

He cannot be retried in another venue because of Montana’s strict protections against double jeopardy, Branom said.

The charges of assault resulting in serious bodily injury arose from a December 2006 night of drinking and brawling at the Town Motel in Browning, where Cruz, then 19, had recently relocated.

The appeals court panel noted its 2005 ruling that established a test of an individual’s Indian status, defining it as requiring a “sufficient degree of Indian blood” as well as “tribal or federal government recognition as an Indian.”

Cruz conceded he qualified as an Indian under the blood test. He also had attended a tribal school and worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs as a firefighter.

But because he never enrolled in the tribe or applied for federally funded benefits to which Indians are entitled, he failed the latter test, Branom had argued to the appeals court.

Two of the three judges — both appointed by Democratic presidents — agreed, while Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, named to the federal bench by President Reagan, dissented.

Kozinski pointed out that Cruz had previously been prosecuted by tribal authorities, establishing that they considered him an Indian. The libertarian chief judge also argued that the appropriate test should be “whether the tribal authorities recognize [someone] as an Indian, not whether he considers himself one.”

Cyber sex case stumps parents

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
By Erin Richards

Since Anthony Stancl former New Berlin Eisenhower High School student was charged Wednesday facing charges for using facebook to sexually assault peers.
Stancl, 18 was charged by Waukesha County district attorney Wednesday with posing as a female on facebook, a social networking site, persuading at least 31 teenage boys from Eisenhower to send him nude photos of themselves and the threaten to release those pictures to the public unless the victims agreed to perform sex acts with him.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
by Jacqui Seibel
The Waukesha County district attorney said Friday that he hopes to prosecute without having to call victims on stand……”For child victims of sexual abuse, we have to find a way so they don’t have to relive this in the courtroom,” District Attorney Brad Schilmel said.
Authorities think there was more boys but no more have come forward, the boys ages were from age 13 to 19…..about 300 photo’s were found on Stencl’s computer.

America’s Most Wanted Sexual Assault Hotlines

America’s Most Wanted (AMW) online Safety Center has just released their latest online safety video, entitled “Sexual Assault: Getting Help Now.” AMW highlighted RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotlines as the premiere resource for those affected by sexual violence. The online video, featuring RAINN’s president and founder, Scott Berkowitz, informs viewers about the resources available through the National Sexual Assault Hotlines, and explains how to contact the hotline over the phone, or online.

Since 1994 the National Sexual Assault Hotlines have connected over 1.2 million people with free, confidential support. The telephone hotline is available at 1.800.656.HOPE, and connects callers to a trained counselor at their local rape crisis center. The National Sexual Assault Online Hotline is accessible through RAINN’s website, and provides live support through an interface similar to an instant message with a trained volunteer. Both hotlines are free, completely anonymous, and available 24/7.

For information about the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline, and how you can get involved, please visit our Information Page.

Link under blogroll

Re: Witnessing Domestic Violence Search….

What to do?

First and most importantly… the police.
File a police report of what you’ve witnessed.
Dial 911 !
Be proactive……STOP THE VIOLENCE!

Wisconsin Strangulation and Suffocation Law

In 2008, the legislature enacted Wisconsin Act 127 creating Wisconsin Statute 940.235, entitled Strangulation and Suffocation. The Strangulation and Suffocation Law defines and provides penalties for a person who engages in intentional strangulation and suffocation. The law closes a loophole that allowed batterers to avoid serious penalty for committing dangerous acts of strangulation and suffocation, a crime which many consider attempted homicide. this new law makes strangulation a felony.
Whoever intentionally impedes the normal breathing or circulation of blood by applying pressure on the throat or neck or by blocking the nose or mouth of another person.
Whoever violates sub (1) is guilty of a class G felony if the actor has previous conviction under this section or a previous conviction for a violent crime, as defined in s. 939.632(1)(e)1.

(10) “Dangerous weapon” means any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded; any device designed as a weapon and capable of producing death or great bodily harm;
any ligature or other instrumentality used on the throat, neck, nose, or mouth of another person to impede, partially or completely, breathing or circulation or blood;any electric weapon, as defined in s. 941.295(4); or any other device or instrumentality which, in the manner it is used or intended to be used , is calculated or likely to produce death or great bodily harm.
(23) “Petechia” means a minute colored spot that appears on the skin, eye, eyelids, or mucous membrane of a person as a result of localized hemorrhage or rupture to a blood vessel or capillary.
(38) ” Substantial bodily harm” means bodily injury that causes a laceration that requires stitches, staples, or tissue ashesive; and fracture of a bone; a broken nose; a burn; a petechia , a temporary lose of consciousness, sight or hearing, a concussion; or a loss or fracture of a tooth.

Symptoms Of Strangulation

Symptoms can include: neck pain; neck swelling; difficulty breathing; difficulty swallowing; nausea and vomiting; lightheaded; loss of memory; loss of control of urine; loss of control of bowels; fainting or loss of consciousness; voice changes (raspy, hoarse, unable to speak); red eyes; sore throat; headache; coughing;red spots/petechia; miscarriage; and weakness or numbness of the arms or legs.

Strangulation & Suffocation

Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence Legal Department, does not constitute legal advice.

Strangulation accounts for 10% of all violent deaths annually in the U.S> To completely close the Trachea, thirty-three pounds of pressure must exerted per square inch. However, only 11 pounds of pressure placed on both carotid arteries for 10 seconds causes loss od consciousness. There are four different types of strangulation: manual, chokehold, ligature and hanging. Manual choke hold and ligature are used by perpetrators of domestic violence against their victims. Unlike the others, hanging is self inflicted. Strangulation can result in a variety of symptoms, although many survivors have no minimal visible external symptoms. Some injuries, such as memory loss, will only be able to be identified upon further examination. many strangulation victims do not remember being strangled, or will not offer that information, unless the are specifically asked.
Manual (also called throttling): The use of bare hands.
Chokehold (also called sleeper hold): Elbow bend compression.
Ligature (also known as garroting): Use of a cordlike object, such as a rope, belt, chain, clothing (pantyhose, bra, tie), etc.
Hanging: Self inflicted.